General News
From 1 January 2024, a BETA Level 3 displaying a blue 2018 label must be worn in competitions where a body protector is obligatory, reference G22.3 Body Protectors in BRC 2024 Rules.
2024 BRC Championship Dates
Competition Date Venue
Dressage to Music, Quadrille
and Introductory Championships
8 – 10 March Bury Farm Equestrian, Slapton, Bucks, LU7 9BT
Novice Winter Championships 6 - 7 April Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington, Grantham,
NG32 2EF
Intermediate Winter Championships 27 – 28 April Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington, Grantham,
NG32 2EF
Arena Eventing Championships 31 May – 2 June Aston Le Walls, Washbrook Farm, Daventry, NN11 6RT
Horse Trials 2 – 4 August Swalcliffe Park, Grange Farm, Swalcliffe, Banbury, OX15 5EX
National Championships 31 August - 1 September Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de- Lings, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. LN2 2NA
Combined Championships 5 – 6 October Aston Le Walls, Washbrook Farm, Daventry, NN11 6RT
Hat Standards
I am sure you are all aware through the BRC email Newsletters that hat standards from 1 January 2023 are changing and below is a summary. Please ensure you have the correct standard if you intend to compete at any of the Riding Club qualifiers and championships. Hat tagging can be carried out at any of the BRC events.
From 1st January 2023, we will no longer be accepting 2 hat standards and will therefore need to re-tag. The following wording has been agreed with BETA, BE and PC and so should be used for informing our members. In order to ensure riders are wearing the most up to date riding hats, please note that from the 1st January 2023, the following hat standards will no longer be accepted, due to the age of hats made to these standards:
1. PAS O15 1998
2. SNELL 2001
A new colour of hat tag will be required for BE, PC and BRC from 1st January 2023.